AlfaRC Fi-115 (2.5 inch)
Specifications |
Frame | AlfaRC Fi-115 |
RX+VTX | ImmersionRC Ghost Hybrid |
Antenna | Foxeer 5.8G Micro Lollipop |
Motors | Happymodel EX1202.5 8000KV |
Props | HQProp T65MM (2-blade, T2.5x1.5x2)
Gemfan Hurricane 2512-3 (3-blade, T2.5x1.2x3) |
Camera | RunCam Racer Nano 2 with 1.8 mm lens |
Battery | Turnigy nano-tech 2S 460 mAh 25-40C
CNHL MiniStar 2S 550 mAh 70-140C HV |
Weight | 79 g
110 g (with battery)
92g (with RunCam Thumb, without battery)
125g (with RunCam Thumb and battery) |
M2M | 11.5 cm |
Flight time | 4-5 minutes |
RunCam Racer Nano 2 has far too much edge enhancement and color saturation by default at least when compared to older Swift models causing the image to look abnormal
Edges of frame pieces should be sanded to avoid wear in wiring even if the outer edges have been pre-cut
The frame comes with plastic standoffs and rather short screws, consider replacing with aluminium standoffs and longer screws
A shrink wrap has been added over the RX+VTX board to keep the antenna connectors in place even if hit
The correct current sensor calibration value is somewhere between 290-300
ESCs have been updated with Bluejay ESC firmware for getting RPM telemetry
FC+ESC and RX+VTX combinations simplify the wiring and space needed a lot
The green wire in the provided Ghost Hybrid connector has the RX signal, blue can be removed
rc/alfarc-fi-115.txt · Last modified: 18.07.2024 00:21 by vergo