Section: User Manuals (1)
Updated: JANUARY 2010
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vnStat image output - png image output support for vnStat



vnstati [ -cdhimostv? ] [ --cache time ] [ --config file ] [ --days ] [ --dbdir directory ] [ --help ] [ --hours ] [ -hs ] [ --hsummary ] [ -i interface ] [ --iface interface ] [ --locale locale ] [ --months ] [ -ne ] [ -nh ] [ --noedge ] [ --noheader ] [ --output file ] [ -ru ] [ --rateunit ] [ --style number ] [ --summary ] [ --top10 ] [ --transparent ] [ --version ] [ -vs ] [ --vsummary ]



The purpose of vnstati is to provide image output support for statistics collected using vnstat(1). The image file format is limited to png. All basic outputs of vnStat are supported excluding live traffic features. The image can be outputted either to a file or to standard output.



-c, --cache time
Update output file only if at least time minutes have passed since the previous file update. This option is ignored if stdout is used as output.

--config file
Use file as config file instead of using normal config file search function.

-d, --days
Output traffic for days.

--dbdir directory
Use directory as database directory instead of using the directory specified in the configuration file or the hardcoded default if no configuration file is available.

-h, --hours
Output traffic for the last 24 hours.

-hs, --hsummary
Output traffic summary including hourly data using a horizontal layout.

-i, --iface interface
Use interface instead of default or configured interface.

--locale locale
Use locale instead of using the locale setting specified in the configuration file or the system default if no configuration file is available.

-m, --months
Output traffic for months.

-ne, --noedge
Remove darker edges from around the image.

-nh, --noheader
Remove header containing title and update time. Time of the previous update will still be visible in the lower right corner using a less visible color.

-o, --output file
Write png image to file and exit. Output can be directed to stdout by giving "-" as filename.

-ru, --rateunit
Swap the configured rate unit. If rate has been configured to be shown in bytes then rate will be shown in bits if this option is present. In the same way, if rate has been configured to be shown in bits then rate will be shown in bytes when this option is present. Alternatively 0 or 1 can be given as parameter for this option in order to select between bytes (0) and bits (1) regardless of the configuration file setting.

--style number
Modify the content and style of outputs. Setting number to 3 will show average traffic rate in all outputs where it is supported. Other values will show bar graphics instead.

-s, --summary
Output traffic summary.

-t, --top10
Output all time top10 traffic days.

Toggle background color transparency depending of the TransparentBg setting in the configuration file. Alternatively 0 or 1 can be given as parameter for this option in order to either disable (0) or enable (1) transparency regardless of the configuration file setting.

-v, --version
Show current version.

-vs, --vsummary
Output traffic summary including hourly data using a vertical layout.

-?, --help
Show a command summary.



Default database directory. Files are named according to the monitored interfaces.
Config file that will be used unless $HOME/.vnstatrc exists. See vnstat.conf(5) for more information.


vnstati -s -i eth0 -o /tmp/vnstat.png
Output traffic summary for interface eth0 to file /tmp/vnstat.png.

vnstati -vs -i eth0+eth1+eth2 -o /tmp/vnstat.png
Output traffic summary with hourly data under the normal summary for a merge of interfaces eth0, eth1 and eth2 to file /tmp/vnstat.png.

vnstati -h -c 15 -o /tmp/vnstat_h.png
Output hourly traffic statistics for default interface to file /tmp/vnstat_h.png if the file has not been updated within the last 15 minutes.

vnstati -d -ne -nh -o -
Output daily traffic statistics without displaying the header section and edges for default interface to standard output (stdout).

vnstati -m --config /home/me/vnstat.cfg -i -o -
Output monthly traffic statistics for default interface specified in configuration file /home/me/vnstat.cfg to standard output (stdout).



Teemu Toivola <tst at iki dot fi>



vnstat(1), vnstatd(1), vnstat.conf(5), units(7)




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