IRCStats 1.2 released with support for [HH:MM:SS] format timestamps.
IRCStats 1.1 is now available. This is mainly a minor fix release that
addresses compilation issues just in case someone is still using this
Pages moved from torus.lnet.lut.fi to humdi.net because torus will cease
to exist in the near future. The source package has been updated to reflect
this change but I didn't see that as a reason to bump the version number.
Forum moved from discus to phpBB. Messages have been converted
but converting user accounts wasn't possible. Probably most of
those accounts were forgotten anyway.
Added a much faster irssi2mirc
converter (written in C). It's much like
xchat2mirc and can be used as a base for other similar converters.
Happy new year to everyone. I finally managed to get some time to clean
the source and do some other changes. Actually I should have done this
months ago. Anyway, IRCStats 1.0 is now available and it's also
open source.
It's been quiet for a while because I've had some school related
things to do. I've added a quick hack to convert xchat logs (version
1.8.5 or higher probably) to mIRC looklike to the links / tools section.
I've also started cleaning the IRCStats source and I'm trying to make it
public within about a month (however no date set yet).
0.22 is now available. Get it from the download page.